Python Django Training and Certification



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Programming and Web Development

Course Curriculum

Goal: The first section of the Django certification course helps the learners acknowledge Python's basics.


* Describing Python
* Setup Python environment
* Understand why Python is popular
* Implement your first Python program
* Discuss flow control
* Acquire a summary of Python
* Use the Interpreter
* List the Advantages/Disadvantages of Python
* Learn about Interpreted Languages
* Explore Python Editors and IDEs
* Start Python
* Discuss Python Scripts on UNIX/Windows
* Discuss Interpreter PATH
* Explore Pydoc
* Run a Python Script
* Use Variables, String formatting, Built-in Functions, Math operators and expressions, Keywords, Strings, Writing to the screen, Different literals, Command line parameters, and Flow Control.
* Data types - numbers, dates, string
* Literals
* Variables
* Keywords

Goal: The learner will know about various kinds of sequence structures and related operations with its use. You will also learn about the multiple ways of reading, writing, and opening files.


* Define Reserved Keywords and Command Line Arguments
* Describe Flow Control and Sequences
* Define and Describe Dictionaries and Sets
* Practice Working with Files
* Explore the way of getting User Input from Keyboard
* Tuples
* Indexing and Slicing
* Functions for all sequences
* Iterating through a sequence
* Using enumerate()
* Operators and keywords for sequences
* Lists
* Modes of opening a file
* List comprehensions
* Working with files
* The xrange()function
* File methods
* Generator expressions
* Dictionaries and sets.
* File attributes
* Tuple - related operations, properties, comparison with the list
* List - related functions, properties
* Set - related processes, properties, comparison with the dictionary
* Dictionary - associated methods, properties, comparison with the list
Goals: In this section of the Django certification course, learners will be able to know about the ways to create generic Python scripts, ways of addressing errors/exceptions in code, and at the end of this module, you will learn about methods of extracting or filtering content with the help of regex.


* Describe Zip Archives and Packaging
* Elaborate Functions and different forms of Function Arguments
* Define Modules
* Explain Standard Library
* Handling multiple exceptions
* Functions
* Function Parameters
* The Import statement
* Sorting dictionaries
* Package installation waysModule Aliases and Regular Expressions
* Variable scope and Returning Values
* Sorting
* Alternate Keys
* Lambda Functions
* Sorting collections of collections
* Sorting lists in place
* The standard exception hierarchy using Modules
* Module search path
* Errors and Exception Handling
* Global variables
Hands-On / Demo:
* Functions - keyword arguments, arguments, syntax, return values
* Packages and module - import options, modules, sys path
* Sorting - dictionaries, sequences, limitations of sorting
* Lambda - syntax, features, comparison with functions, options
* Errors and exceptions - remediation, types of issues
Goal: You will be able to learn about the importance of OOP in Python in this module of the Django certification course. You will able to use the standard libraries by the end of this module.


* Implement Regular Expression and its Basic Functions
* Build software applications on the concept of Object-Oriented Programming and Methods.
* Use Classes, Objects, and Attributes


* Interpreter information
* Paths
* Private methods and Inheritance
* The sys Module
* Directories and filenames
* Walking directory trees
* Math Function
* Random Numbers
* Dates and Times
* Defining Classes
* Initializes
* Instance methods
* Properties
* Introduction to Python Classes
* Static methods
* Zipped archives
* Launching external programs
* Class methods and data

* Regular expressions - search/match object, regex library, sub, compile, findall
* OOPS paradigm - Polymorphism, Inheritance, and Encapsulation in Python
* Classes - instance, access modifiers, classes and objects, and class members
Goal: By the end of this fifth module of the Python Django training course, learners will easily use databases, and the project skeleton looks in Python.


* Debug python scripts using PDB
* Classify Errors
* Debug python scripts using IDE
* Implement Database using SQLite
* Create project Skeletons
* Develop Unit Tests
* Perform CRUD operations on SQLite database


* Debugging
* Project Skeleton
* Creating a database with SQLite 3
* Using unit tests
* Required packages
* Creating the Skeleton
* Project Directory
* Testing your set up
* Using the skeleton
* Creating a database object.
* Final Directory Structure
* CRUD operations
* Dealing with errors


* Debugging - logging, debugging options, troubleshooting
* Unit testing - unit test library, TDD, automated testing, assertions,
* Project skeleton - configurations, industry-standard, sharable libraries
* RDBMS - PEP 49, Python for RDBMS, CRUD operations on Sqlite
Goal: This module of the Django course online deals with the introduction of Django, the creation of views, and implementing URL mapping.


* Create Views
* Explain MVC pattern
* Explain Web Framework
* Use URLConf
* Create a basic Django app
* Use HTTP request and response objects.


* Web development
* Installing Django
* Features of Django
* URL Mapping
* Introduction to Django Web Framework
* Views
* HTTP concepts
* MVC model


* Build a simple View with the help of Django

Goal: This module of the Django certification course deals with creating Templates and Forms in Django


* Load Template Files
* Customize Form Field Validation
* Render Templates
* Explain the Django Template System
* Create Forms
* Process Form Data

* Utilities of Templates
* Tags, Variables, and Filters
* Creating Template Objects
* Rendering Templates
* Form Handling
* Template Inheritance
* Form Display
* Django Template Language
* Form validation and Error Messages


* Build a Form that receives personal data from a user.

Goal: This section of this Python Django training course deals with Database Models. You will be able to learn the ways of adding Dynamic content to your webpages.

* Define Database Models
* Creating Dynamic websites with the help of jQuery and AJAX
* Populate a Database, CRUD
* Use QuerySets for data retrieval.
* Use Model Fields

* Model Fields
* Django Models
* CRUD on DB
* Model Inheritance
* Dynamic Webpages
* Primary keys and the Model
* jQuery and AJAX integration
* Toggle Hidden Content

* Providing your webpage with a Like button.
Goal: This module of the Django course online will teach you about serializing and deserializing the data and creating APIs.

* Use Django's REST Framework
* Explain Data Serialization
* Use Model Serializers
* Use Serializers and deserializers

* Django REST Framework
* Serialization and Deserialization
* Model Serializers
* Serializer class

* Creating a REST API
Goal: This module of the Django certification course teaches the learner how to examine data stored in XML & JSON forms with Python.


* Explain XML-RPC
* Analyze data present in both XML and JSON formats
* Explain XML and JSON file formats
* Stores data in XML and JSON formats
* JSON, parsing object to JSON and back
* XML, parsing object to XML and back

* Analyze data present in XML/JSON format to native Python type and vice-versa

Course Description

we create CertOcean's Django Certification Course to help the learner acquire Python Programming proficiency and build real-world web applications with Django's help. This Django course online covers the basics and high-level concepts like writing Python scripts, creating Views, Forms, Models, file operating in Python, and many more related topics.

As soon as you complete this Django certification course, you will be able to:
* Explain the data structures used in Python
* Create REST APIs
* Work with databases and data persistence in the Database or various flat files.
* Know about the core construct of the Python Programming Language
* Know about the exceptions and errors in the program
* Explore the approach of the Object-Oriented programming paradigm
* Debug programs
* Use the Django Template System
* Create Views and map URLs in Django
* Define Database Models for representing tables
Given below are the reasons why you should learn the Django certification course, a well known high-level python web framework:
* Some top companies, like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Disqus, use Python with Django. If a web developer masters Python and it's well known advanced framework like Django, they would be ensured of work or can even build their startup or product.
* Python is considered a well-suited option for bootstrapped and startups due to its fast development, and since it requires fewer codes than Java, c, and PHP.
* The use of human-readable website URLs is supported by the Python Django framework. It is useful in the actual user's perspective and to search engines that use URLs' keywords to rank sites.
* Common security mistakes are prevented by Django better than others.
* As reported by, the average salary of a Django professional is $117000/year in the US.
The individuals who should go for this course are:
* Full Stack Developers
* UI Developers and Technical Leads
* Web Developers
* QAs, Architects, and Technical Project Managers
The learner who wishes to pursue this Python Django course online should be familiar with HTML basics and have a little knowledge about elementary programming. Other than this, there exists no particular pre-requisite for this training.
This Django certification course has no specific hardware requirements. It demands only a VM software, more likely "VirtualBox," with an image of Ubuntu OS in which Django 1.11 and Django's REST framework are present. In addition to this, your system should have about 4GB Ram.
VM software is required to execute the practicals taught in the Django course online. There should be an image of the Ubuntu OS in which you should install Django 1.11 and Django's REST framework. Hence you should upload the solution for evaluation. If you have any queries, then you can contact us with 24x7 available Expert Support.
Problem Statement: Build a Blog Administration System following the below points:
* The blog should permit the user to host articles and enable comments from all the individuals reading it.
* The blog's index page should necessarily consist of all articles, the dates when the articles were posted, and their hyperlinks.
* Each article has a committed webpage, which comprises the heading, writer, date when the publisher published it, a section dedicated to the comments section, and an application for readers to deposit comments.
* Readers should be able to type in their comments and view the comments that they have submitted instantly.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

We provide two ways by which you can cover the content that you somehow missed:
* By seeing the lecture recordings from LMS.
* By attending the missed session in other live classes.

No, we do not provide demo sessions in the live mode because only a restricted number of students study in live mode. You can go through our recordings of the class and analyze the quality of the class's content.
In CertOcean, every instructor is a practitioner who possesses about 10-12 years of experience in the IT industry. They are also well trained by CertOcean to find it easy to understand whatsoever is being taught by the instructors in the class.

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