Python Certification Training for Data Science
CertOcean's Python Certification Training for Data Science has been designed and implemented to provide you with in-depth knowledge of data science concepts from scratch using Python Programming Language. With this python online course certification, you don't need any prior Programming Experience or experience with Analytics, as we will be covering all the topics that you need to boost your command over the subject and be in a high-demand.
Why should you take the Python Certification Training for Data Science?
- It is used to test in-general knowledge of the essential libraries in Python along with various toolings, and this Course will help you achieve that without prior experience.
- We are an ISO-Certified Partner, and you can capitalize on our strategies and tips to master the content.
- With this Certification Course, you will get access to hands-on labs and resources and follow a well-defined structure around Assignments, Quizzes, and more to get you ready for the Certification Exam.
Course Curriculum
Learning Objective: You will get to know about the basics of python and a brief idea about them.
- Brief Overview of Python
- Companies utilizing Python
- Various applications of Python
- Scripts of Python being used on Windows/UNIX
- Variables, Types, Values
- Expressions and Operands
- Loops and Conditional Statements in Python
- Arguments of Command Line
- Writing the “Hello World” code
- Demonstrating the use of loops and conditional statements
- Use of variables
- I/O Functions of Python Files
- Set operations
- Dictionaries and its related operations
- Lists and its related operations
- Tuples and its related operations
- Strings and its related operations
- Numbers
- Properties and related operations of Tuples being compared with a list
- Properties and related operations of Set
- Properties and related operations of Dictionary
- Properties and related operations of List
- Handle multiple exceptions
- Exception and error handling
- Ways of package installation
- Module search path
- Implement import statements
- Python modules
- Standard libraries of python
- Different object-oriented concepts
- Lambda functions
- Returning scope and values of a variable
- Use of global variables
- Functions and function parameters
- Modules and import options of packages
- Types of issues and remediation of exceptions and errors
- Sorting dictionaries and sequences and limitations of sorting
- Syntax, options and features of lambda along with its features comparison
- Syntax, return values, keyword arguments, and arguments of functions
- Contour plots
- Types of plots like histograms, pie charts, and bar graphs
- Styling, fonts, colours, and markers
- Plots, axes, and grid
- matplotlib library
- Reading as well as writing the data into Pandas from the CSV/Excel formats
- Index operations and data structures in Pandas
- Reading and writing arrays on the files
- Operations on arrays and NumPy – arrays
- Usage of the styling of a plot, bar graph, pie chart, and histogram
- Creating NumPy arrays
- Importing and exporting data in Pandas library
- Creation of dataframes and series in Pandas library
- Creation of NumPy arrays
- Performing different operations on NumPy arrays
- Fundamental functionalities of any data object
- Data objects merging
- Data objects concatenation
- Different types of joins on data objects
- Exploring and analyzing a dataset
- Joining
- Merging
- Concatenation
- Aggregation
- GroupBy operations
- Different functions of Pandas – itertuples(), iterrows(), iteritems(), std(), sum(), tail(), head(), values(), axes(), Ndim()
- Gradient descent
- Linear regression
- Categories of Machine Learning
- Process Flow of Machine Learning
- Use-Cases of Machine Learning
- Basics of Machine Learning
- Revision of Python
- Boston Dataset and Linear Regression
- Random Forest
- Confusion Matrix
- Creation of Perfect Decision Tree
- Decision Tree Induction Algorithm
- Decision Tree
- Classifications and its use-cases
- Hands-On:
- Random forest
- Decision tree
- Logistic regression implementation
- Introduction to dimensionality
- Scaling dimensional model
- Factor analysis
- Dimensionality reduction basics
- Naïve Bayes
- Working of Naïve Bayes
- Implementation of naïve bayes classifier
- Support vector machine
- Working of support vector machine
- Hyperparameter optimization
- Random search vs Grid search
- Implementation of support vector machine
- SVM and implementation of naïve bayes
- Clustering and its use-cases
- K-means clustering
- Working of K-means algorithm
- Optimal clustering
- C-means clustering
- Hierarchical clustering
- Working of hierarchical clustering
- Implementation of hierarchical clustering
- Implementation of K-means clustering
- Association rules
- Parameters of association rules
- Calculation of association rule parameters
- Recommendation engines
- Working of recommendation engines
- Content-based filtering
- Collaborative filtering
- Market basket analysis
- Apriori algorithm
- Reinforcement learning
- Elements of reinforcement learning
- The dilemma of exploitation vs exploration
- Markov decision process (MDP)
- Q-learning
- Q values and V values
- ? values
- Epsilon greedy algorithm
- Optimal action set up
- Implementation of Q learning
- Calculation of optimal quantities
- Calculating and discounted reward
- Time series analysis (TSA)
- Components and importance of TSA
- AR, MA, ARMA, ARIMA models
- White noise
- ACF and PACF
- Stationarity
- Forecasting of TSA
- Generation of ARIMA plot
- Plot PACF and ACF
- Implementation of the Dickey-Fuller test
- Checking stationarity
- Conversion of non-stationary data to stationary data
- Model selection and its necessity
- Cross-validation
- Boosting and the working of its algorithm
- Types of boosting algorithms and adaptive boosting
- AdaBoost
- Cross-validation
Course Description
- Overview of Python
- Sequences and File Operations
- Deep Dive – Functions, Modules, OOPs, Errors and Exceptions
- Introduction to NumPy, Pandas and Matplotlib
- Data Manipulation
- Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
- Supervised Learning - I
- Dimensionality Reduction
- Supervised Learning - II
- Unsupervised Learning
- Association Rules Mining and Recommendation Systems
- Reinforcement Learning
- Time Series Analysis
- Model Selection and Boosting
Who should do Python Data Science Certification Course?
- This course is a perfect fit for:
- Programmers
- Developers
- Architects
- Technical Leads
- Analytics Managers
- Information Architects
- Business Analysts
- Python professionals
This course is a perfect fit for:
- · Programmers
- · Developers
- · Architects
- · Technical Leads
- · Analytics Managers
- · Information Architects
- · Business Analysts
- · Python professionals
Instructor-led Sessions
42 Hours of Online Live Classes. Weekend class :14 sessions of 3 hours each and Weekday class :21 sessions of 2 hours
Real-life case studies
Live project based on any of the selected use cases, involving the implementation of Data Science with Python.
After every class, there would be a practical assignment that aggregates to a minimum of 60 hours.
Lifetime access
You will have lifetime access to the LMS where the installation guides, class recordings, quizzes, and class presentations would be there.
24 x 7 Expert Support
Our team provides 24 x 7 online support through the ticket-based tracking system.
Successful completion of the final project will get you certified as a Python for Data Science Professional by CertOcean.
You can access the global community forum for learning from your peers and interacting with them.