MicroStrategy 10 Certification Training



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Business Intelligence and Visualizations

Course Curriculum

Learning Objectives: This module covers how to install MicroStrategy on your machine.


  • MSTR Installation Flow

  • Prerequisites for Installation

  • Installation Process


  • A step-by-step explanation on how to Install MicroStrategy

Learning Objectives: This module covers the overview of MicroStrategy, its Architecture, products, MicroStrategy Admin, MicroStrategy Usher 


  • Introduction to Business Intelligence

  • Introduction to MicroStrategy

  • MicroStrategy Architecture

  • MicroStrategy Products

  • Platform Architecture for Enterprise Analytics

  • Development and Reporting Tools

  • MicroStrategy Admin

  • MicroStrategy Distribution Centre

  • Enterprise Security: MicroStrategy Usher


  • The module explains how to Import data, Create Derived Attribute, Formatting Capabilities, Create Dossiers, Create D3 Word Cloud, Apply Filter

Learning Objectives: This module covers MicroStrategy Developer, Project creation high-level steps, and various other features of report creation


  • MSTR Developer Overview

  • MSTR Architecture

  • MSTR Project Creation

  • MSTR Source and Project

  • Developer Interface

  • MSTR Architect

  • MSTR Filters

  • MSTR Metrics

  • MSTR Prompts

  • MSTR Searches

  • MSTR Reports

  • Report Data Manipulation

  • Report Style Manipulation

  • MSTR OLAP Services

    Detailed instructions on how to Add project tables, Create Facts, Create Attributes, Create User Hierarchy, Filter creation, Metric Creation, Prompt Creation, Report Creation, Drilling, Page-by, Pivoting, Sub-totals, Sorting, Outline Mode, Threshold, Banding, and Derived Metric Creation.

Learning Objectives: This module covers MicroStrategy Web and reports capabilities


  • Introduction to Smart Analytics- MSTR Web

  • Web Capabilities

  • Report Capabilities

  • Report Services and Document Enhancements

  • Web SDK

  • Hierarchy Reporting


  • A practical demo on how to create a Report, Standalone filter, Derived Metric, RS Dashboard

Learning Objectives: This module covers different Admin tools, user and user group creation


  • The need for Admin Tools

  • Application Life Cycle

  • Project Duplication

  • Object Manager

  • Project Locking

  • Integrity Manager

  • Enterprise Manager

  • Command Manager

  • Graphical User Interface

  • Command Manager Procedures

  • System Manager

  • Workflow Creation Process

  • MicroStrategy Web Administration

  • MicroStrategy User Groups

  • MicroStrategy Groups Creation

  • MicroStrategy User Accounts

  • Introduction to Intelligence Server

  • ODBC Drivers

  • In-memory Analytics

  • Job Prioritization 

  • Clustering


  • The detailed process of Exploring MSTR Admin, Copy objects in a Project, Launch Command Manager, Execute command manager procedure, Access CM in connectionless mode, Access MSTR Web, Create a group using Demos, Group Editor, on MSTR Intelligence Server

Learning Objectives: This module covers MSTR SDK, SDK Architecture, MSTR Visualization 


  • Introduction to SDK

  • System Requirements and Compatibility

  • SDK Architecture

  • Authentication Workflow

  • MSTR Visualization


  • This section emphasizes conditional shortcuts to all pages, Restrict Access, Custom D3 visualization using a template.

Learning Objectives: This module covers MicroStrategy mobile and its capabilities


  • Versatile BI: MSTR Mobile

  • Mobile Architecture

  • Configuring Mobile App 

  • MicroStrategy Mobile Capabilities

  • Visualization Enhancements for iOS Visualization Enhancements for Android

  • iOS 10 Support

  • iOS Developer Guidelines 

  • Android Developer Guidelines 

  • Interactivity Enhancements in Android

  • Extend Mobile Capabilities


  • The demo teaches how to Access MSTR projects on iPad, Access MSTR projects on Android

Learning Objectives: This module covers MicroStrategy Transaction Service and its Architecture 


  • Introduction to Transaction Services

  • Transaction Services Architecture

  • Use Case Scenarios

  • Transaction Services Reports

  • Transaction Services Document

  • Transaction Services on Mobile Devices

  • Working with Transaction Tables

  • Mobile Transaction Controls


  • Create Transaction Report, Creating transaction services dashboard

Learning Objectives: This module covers MicroStrategy Usher Security  


  • Business Driven Approach to Enterprise Security

  • Need for MSTR Usher

  • Introducing the Usher Platform

  • MicroStrategy Usher Components

  • Usher Security App and Badges

  • Designing the Security Network Architecture


  • Download and install the Usher app

Course Description

Microstrategy facilitated developed and convenient statistics platform centralized and combination of analytics, security and mobile form in an individual platform which also transfers the dashboards and compelling displays to enable the data for making decisions in the company and the users in any AWS market-place. Overall, this business intelligence device allows us to accept, examine, and visualize the data in different dimensions. These instructions or guidance for five days will increase your intelligence in statistics level, which leads to the development of data discovery in the next generation and assumes the analytics.

Aims to be mentioned after completing the training. 

  • The aim is to make or create answers to every problem of data visualization in any platform of any size.

  • Make, surf, and plan the BI documentation and process the dashboards. 

  • Study and examine MicroStrategy's structural data flow, different types of arrangements such as on clouds, and mobiles, and many more.

  • You can learn how to combine the data with the help of sources like google analytics and other social media platforms.

  • Another aim is the development of professionalism in arch MicroStrategy strategy administration.

  • And the creation of a vast number of user subscriptions.

  • Microstrategy is one of the greatest self-dependent BI organizations and has a particular retailing presence of more than 4% of shares worldwide in business analytics.

  • For enterprises and repenting, Microstrategy experts are searched for business opportunities worldwide. 

  • The overall salary for an expert in Microstrategy certified people will be between $80,000 to $145,000 per annum.

Experts from Industries have designed this Microstrategy training aiming to make you a certified professional. The people who can choose this training are -

  • Data investigator

  • Developers

  • Administrators

  • Computing Architects

  •  Data professionals

Below are the essentials which are necessary for joining this training - 

  • Work experience in SQL server management studio is required.

  • Work experience required Microsoft Soft access. 

  • Professionalism in steering tMicrosoft windows surrounding

Ans. The requirements and necessary protocols to be incorporated under the micro strategy course are as follows:

  • One should have Windows, Mac, or Linux PCs to work.

  • RAM required- 4GB

  • Storage- 20GB HDD

  • A processor

  • I3 or above.

Ans. The requirements and necessary protocols to be incorporated under the micro strategy course are as follows:

  • One should have Windows, Mac, or Linux PCs to work.

  • RAM required- 4GB

  • Storage- 20GB HDD

  • A processor

  • I3 or above.

Ans. The users will be working under the Microstrategy enterprise trial; the team will guide you to operate the same by offering you a full-fledged installation guide, which will embed under LMS. It demands an initial installation on VM or any cloud server. It is because, once you finish a 30-Day trial, we can easily install it again on an altogether diverse server or VM.

Ans. The course studies or the projects which concern this program travelers are as follows -

  • In total, there are about nine modules, which have respective demos and case studies to look after; the course is in a level-wise manner; the higher we go, the higher and difficult the level.

  • Once we are bound to finish the course, we will experience and work over a project that is all about a certification project.

The details to it as mentioned below, which are as follows -

  • Certification Project- Every single year, we are exposed to uncertainties like Accidents which encompass countless factors which are, 

Degrading and unfruitful public transport services, enabling travelers to opt for private means of transport, leads to overburdening the traffic. The gradual increase in the number of vehicles has created and caused many traffic and road accidents lately.

  • The total number of accidents has increased manifold in 10 years. It has been taken into account that about 4,80,625 road accidents occurred the previous year, the number of lives put at a higher risk constitutes about 50,785, causing severe injuries to people of about  4,94,624.  According to the reports, we have even witnessed a sharp increase in the number of two-wheelers. The accidents caused by motor vehicles are the main reasons for disability and death. We have even noted that infrastructure is inferior and ineffective, which has been one of the contributing factors.

  • What is even more interesting about this significant case study is: it exclaims that cities with the highest population have substantial accidents. Yet, the provided account and metrics will let you unveil the more in-depth insight regarding this case study.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

 Ans. We always provide the opportunity to our learners to catch up with the sessions; here at CertOcean - we offer the individuals with two best possible alternatives-

  • Any individual can access and avail of the session's recording as stored and embedded within the user's LMS.

  • Secondly, one can attend the left-out session in another batch with a live class.

Ans.  As per the guidelines and regulations of CertOcean, we have to meet the quality needs, demands, and standards, with a limited set of participants in a live session. Therefore, we do not offer a demo session, but individuals can look over the sample recording of the class, which will further help you uncover how functioning an individual carries out, classes undertook, and how the interaction and discussions are supported.
Ans.  To know about the placement help or assistance, the company has installed an option of resume builder tool in the user's LMS, facilitating us to form and organize an excellent Resume in simple, easy steps. The advantage rendered is, the users have innumerable access to different functions and roles. To undertake such processes, we simply need to click on the user's LMS, and yet, we can all click on creating your resume option.

Ans. If a user is having questions regarding the completion of the micro strategy ten certification course, then we can reach out to the company via the following details as mentioned below-

  • Contact on mobile at +1 805-200-4058 (Toll-free Number) OR 

  • email at support@CertOcean.com

Ans. Yes, the course material will still exist once the course ends; as you have enrolled for the time, the material will be permanently available for a lifetime.

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