Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)



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Cloud Computing & DevOps

Course Curriculum

Learning Objective: Study the basic concepts of Kubernetes and start configuring your network using Calico. 


  • Kubernetes Core Concepts
  • Kubectl common commands
  • Understanding Pods
  • Configure network on cluster nodes
  • Pod Networking Concepts
  • Setting up a cluster - Kubernetes Certificates

Learning Objective: This section provides a basic understanding of pod scheduling’s ins and outs in your cluster. 


  • Services and Controllers
  • Service Networking
  • Deploy and configure network Load Balancer
  • Primitives necessary for self-healing apps
  • Effects of resource limiting on pod scheduling
  • Configure Kubernetes Scheduler
  • Running multiple Schedulers

Learning Objective: Study the different Kubernetes controllers and set up traffic routing rules using Ingress. 


  • ReplicaSet and ReplicationController
  • DaemonSets
  • Deployments
  • Rolling updates and Rollbacks
  • Scaling applications
  • Ingress

Learning Objectives: Understand the persistent storage methods for stateful applications and hide all the sensitive information using networks like ConfigMaps and Secrets. 


  • Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim
  • Access modes for volumes
  • Primitives for Persistent Volume Claim
  • Secrets and ConfigMaps in your pods
  • Storage classes
  • Headless services
  • Stateful Sets

Learning Objectives: Study how to secure the cluster using role-based access control (RBAC) and configure custom network policies for your pods. 


  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Kubernetes security primitives
  • Configure Network Policies
  • Security Contexts

Learning Objective: Learn about how to monitor clusters and visualize them using cluster logs through Prometheus and EFK stack. This section covers how to deploy jobs, manage the etcd cluster, and use Helm charts for deployment. 


  • Monitoring the cluster using Prometheus
  • Visualizing cluster logs using EFK stack
  • Jobs
  • ETCD operations
  • Helm Charts

Learning Objectives: Learn how to handle and troubleshoot common network cluster failures. 


  • Troubleshooting application failures
  • Troubleshooting cluster failures

Course Description

The Certified Kubernetes Administrator training course is designed for the Kubernetes administrators who want to learn how to develop a Kubernetes environment. This certification of Kubernetes administrator training online course will validate that you possess the skills, knowledge, and competency to function as a Kubernetes administrator and perform all duties and responsibilities. The course covers in-depth knowledge about Kubernetes core concepts, networking, pod scheduling, logging, monitoring, cluster security, and troubleshooting. The CKA certification aims to provide the expertise required to become a successful Kubernetes administrator in the industry.
This Kubernetes administrator training online course is specifically designed for professionals who 
  • wish to clear the Certified Kubernetes Administrator program by the CNCF
  • want to develop their career as a DevOps Engineer
  • professionals who wish to earn credibility and value in the job market as Kubernetes Administrators
  • principal software engineers
  • cloud professionals
  • other technical lead
Certified Kubernetes Administrator certificate is valid for two years. Candidates can retake the same exam and renew their CKA certification.
The adoption rate for Docker has already increased in organizations by 30%. Since the Docker’s inception with the Portable Lightweight Container Engine, more than 50% of the business environments have already added Kubernetes security protocols to their operations. When it comes to container orchestration, Kubernetes is unbeatable. Therefore, the Kubernetes certificate is more than necessary for individuals and organizations’ personal and professional upliftment.
The Certified Kubernetes Administrator course’s learning path  will prepare you to understand and demonstrate the knowledge in each of the three domains of the CKA exam. These include:

  • Application Lifecycle Management
  • Installation, Configuration, and Validation
  • Core Concepts related to Kubernetes 
  • Networking concepts 
  • Scheduling
  • Security
  • Cluster Maintenance using controllers 
  • Logging / Monitoring of the cluster events 
  • Storage
  • Troubleshooting applications and cluster failures 
ll the classes of Kubernetes training are conducted online. These live interactive sessions enable learners to ask questions and participate in live discussions during class time. All the study material is available even after the completion of the Kubernetes administrator training online course. 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Any system with Windows, MacOS, Linux, etc., can work. CertOcean provides you with the right software platform along with installation guides to explain the environment. 
A real-time training is required to ace this course. The eligibility requirements for this course are:
  • Comprehensive understanding of containers, especially Docker.
  • Fluency in working with Linux shells.
  • Previous experience in working with virtual machines in cloud environments.
Certified Kubernetes Administrator certification remains valid for 3 years. Candidates need to take and pass the exam again to renew their certification before expiration.

To clear the exam, you must secure a score of at least 70% to pass the exam.


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