AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Certification Course



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Cloud Computing & DevOps

Course Curriculum

Learning Objective: A detailed introduction to the most important aspects of DevOps and AWS. Learn about the various concepts required to manage your account and data on an AWS platform. 


  • Understanding DevOps and its lifecycle

  • Why DevOps on Cloud?

  • Introduction to AWS

  • DevOps using AWS

  • Security Management - AWS Shield, Guard Duty, IAM (Identity and Access Management), WAF (Web Application Firewall) 

  • Trusted Advisor

  • Governance Strategies

Learning Objective: Study how to automate software development lifecycle employing different AWS development tools. 


  • CodeCommit

  • CodeBuild

  • CodePipeline

  • CodeDeploy

  • AWS CodeStar

Learning Objective: A brief insight into the CloudFormation aspects. Learn how to use all WS resources’ models and provisions in an automated and secure manner. 


  • Introduction to CloudFormation

  • CloudFormation Template

  • Intrinsic Functions & Conditions

  • Stack Creation

  • Advanced CloudFormation Concepts - CloudFormation Nesting, CloudFormation Wait Conditions & Wait Condition Handlers, CloudFormation Helper Scripts, CloudFormation Custom Resources

  • CloudFormation Stack Updates

  • CloudFormation Resource Deletion Policy

  • CloudFormation Best Practices

  • Troubleshooting

Learning Objective: Study Elastic Beanstalk and how to deploy and monitor it in your application. 


  • Introduction to Elastic Beanstalk

  • Components of Beanstalk

  • Deployment Option

  • Platform Updates

  • Docker in Elastic Beanstalk

  • Extending Beanstalk using extensions

  • Alarms and Notification

  • Troubleshooting

Learning Objective: Learn about OpsWorks and how to create stacks and manage their configuration using it. 


  • Introduction to OpsWorks

  • Components of OpsWorks

  • Cookbooks, Recipes, Data bags and Berkshelf

  • OpsWorks Lifecycle Events

  • OpsWorks Deployment

  • OpsWorks Auto-Healing

  • Troubleshooting

Learning Objective: Learn how to implement the monitoring and management concepts using CloudWatch and Cloud Trail. 


  • Introduction to CloudWatch

  • CloudWatch Metrics: EC2, ELB, and Auto Scaling metrics

  • Custom Metrics

  • CloudWatch Alarms

  • CloudWatch Agent

  • CloudWatch Logs

  • Introduction to CloudTrail

  • System Manager

  • Tagging

  • Concepts required to arrange event-driven automated actions: SNS, Lambda, Autoscaling

Learning Objective: Learn how to implement fault-tolerance systems. Introduction to Disaster Recovery strategies effective in making your system resilient. 


  • EBS

  • Elastic IP

  • Multi-region and multi AZs

  • SQS

  • Data Management in Amazon RDS

  • Dynamo DB

  • S3

  • Provisioning elasticity using Auto-scaling and Load Balancer 

  • Components of Auto Scaling

  • Horizontal and vertical scaling

  • Auto-Scaling Lifecycle

  • Recovery Point Objective and Recovery Time Objective 

  • Disaster Recovery Options

  • Overcome Single Point of Failure

Learning Objective: Learn about the container management tools like Elastic container registry, elastic container service, and Fargate. 


  • Orchestration

  • Elastic Container Service

  • Amazon ECR

  • Choose a ‘Launch type’ for your application

  • ECS with EC2

  • ECS with Fargate

Course Description

This AWS Certified DevOps Engineer course covers concepts like infrastructure as Code, CI/CD pipeline, immutable infrastructure, infrastructure, deployment strategies, containers, etc. It also covers implementing these principles using the AWS platform using services such as Code-Suite services, CloudFormation, Elastic Beanstalk. Elastic Container Services. This AWS DevOps certification training online exam is versed with the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer certification requirements, covering the core concepts in the six domains. These include:

  • SDLC Automation

  • Configuration Management and Infrastructure as Code

  • Monitoring and Logging

  • Policies and Standards Automation

  • Incident and Event Response

  • High Availability, Disaster Recovery, and Fault Tolerance

DevOps is achieving tremendous prominence in the IT industry due to its continuous development, continuous integration, continuous testing, continuous deployment, and continuous monitoring of software throughout its life cycle. 

Moreover, AWS is a leading pack in terms of Cloud Computing, offering a range of flexible services that is required to build and deploy products at a fast pace. So, the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer course is a potent combination to automate manual tasks, enable organizations to serve their customers better, help teams manage complex environments, and for professionals to achieve competency in the job market.

Our AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Certification Course has been highly thought-out with special attention to specific topics to help you gain the necessary skills of a DevOps Engineer.

Following topics will be covered as a whole throughout our Course: 

  • About the Certification Course.

  • Automating Software Development Lifecycle 

  • Managing Infrastructure as a Code

  • Monitoring and Logging in AWS 

  • Automation using AWS 

  • Fault Tolerance in AWS 

  • Understanding Incident and Event Response

  • Network Protection in AWS

Professionals who belong to roles like System Administrators, Software Developers, Cloud Professionals, Solution Architects, Project Manager, and Technical Lead can go for this AWS DevOps certification training online.

The following are the pre-requisites required for this course:

  • Practical knowledge of DevOps and Amazon Web Services

  • Brief understanding with AWS Development or AWS System Administration

  • Knowledge of one or more high-level PL (programming languages), such as PHP, Ruby, C#, Java, or Python.

  • Basic knowledge of administering Linux or Windows systems at the command-line level.

  • Working experience with AWS using both the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI)

and the AWS Management Console. 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Our support system runs 24/7 and you can get all your questions answered over there. 

With this course, you will gain an important IT Certification in the field of the AWS which will help you level up your familiarity with AWS DevOps Platform.

Absolute beginners to Cloud and DevOps can take up this course, either to improve their understanding of Cloud and DevOps or to gain the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer course.


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