Apache Kafka Certification Training

If the candidate takes the CertOcean's Kafka Certification Training course, he/she will learn about configuring the Kafka Cluster, the architecture of Kafka, Kafka Producer, and Kafka Customer. Also, the candidate will learn how to monitor Kafka. The CertOcean's Kafka Certification Training course aims to give knowledge about the integration of Kafka and Storm and Spark, Hadoop, to understand how to understand Kafka streaming with the APIs. You can also try streaming on Twitter with the help of Kafka.
Course Curriculum
Under this chapter, the candidate will gain knowledge about the fitting of Kafka certification in the Big Data Space and the architecture of Kafka.
Skills the candidate will gain:
Kafka installation
Configuring Kafka cluster
Kafka concepts
Work with Single node- single broker cluster
Installation of Zookeeper and Kafka
Know the role of each Kafka components
Understand why Big Data Analytics is important
Explain what is Big Data
Describe the need for Kafka
Understanding the role of Zookeeper
Classify the different type of Kafka Clusters
Introduction to Big Data
Need for Kafka
Kafka Features
Kafka Architecture
Kafka installation
Types of Kafka Clusters
Big Data Analytics
What is Kafka?
Concepts of Kafka
Components of Kafka
Where is Kafka Used?
Kafka Cluster
Configuring single node single broker Cluster
Under this header, the candidate will learn how the producers of Kafka send the records to topics. Also, many times the issues can be called the messages. Along with the knowledge, you will be able to work with the APIs of the Kafka Producer.
Configure Kafka Producers
Kafka Producer APIs
Constructing Kafka Producer
Handling Partitions
Construct a Kafka Producer
Send messages Synchronously and Asynchronously.
Serialize using Apache Avro
Send messages to Kafka
Configure Producers
Create and handle Partitions
Configuring Single Node Multi Broker Cluster
Sending a message to Kafka
Sending a message Synchronously and Asynchronously
Constructing Kafka Producers
Producing Keyed and Non keyed messages.
Configuring producers
Serialising with Apache Avro.
Applications use Kafka consumers, which needs to read the data and to subscribe.
Configure Kafka Consumer
Constructing Kafka Consumer
Kafka Consumer API
Perform operations of Kafka
Explain how partitions rebalance occurs.
Configure Kafka consumer
Describe and Implement different types of commit
Define Kafka Consumer and consumer groups
Describe how to assign partitions to Kafka broker
Create a Kafka consumer and Subscribe to topics
Deserialized the deceived messages
Consumers and consumer groups
Consumer groups and partition rebalance
Subscribing to topics
Configuring consumers
Rebalance listeners
Consuming records with specific offsets
Commits and offsets
The poll loop
Creating a Kafka consumer
Standalone consumer
The candidate will gain knowledge of tuning with Kafka for the sake of meeting their high-performance needs.
Configure broker
Kafka storage
Kafka API
Understand Kafka Internals
Difference between In-sync and out of sync replicas.
Classify and describe requests in Kafka
Validate system reliabilities
Explain how replication works in Kafka
Understand the partition allocation
Producer, Configure broker, and consumer for a reliable system
Configure Kafka for performance tuning.
Cluster membership
Physical storage
Broker Configuration
Using consumers in a reliable system
Performance tuning in Kafka
The Controller
Request Processing
Using Producers in a Reliable System
Validating system reliability
The clusters of Kafka have numerous brokers to maintain the load balance. For the management and the coordination of the broker of Kafka, we use Zookeeper.
Administer Kafka
Understand use cases of cross-cluster mirroring
Explain Apache Kafka's mirror maker
Understand consumer groups
Learn partition management
Explain unsafe operations
Learn multi-cluster architectures
Perform topic operations
Describe Dynamic configurations challenges
Understand Consuming and Producing.
Use cases- cross-cluster mirroring
Apache Kafka's Mirrormaker
Topic operations
Dynamic configurations changes
Consuming and Producing
Multi- cluster architectes
Another cross-cluster mirroring solution
Consumer groups
Partition management
Unsafe operations
Under this chapter, the candidate will learn how to monitor Kafka along with the Kafka connect. Kafka Connect is a scalable tool.
Metrics concept
Monitoring Kafka
Kafka Connect
Explain the Metrics of Kafka Monitoring
Build Data pipelines using Kafka connect
Perform file source and sink using Kafka connect
Understand Kafka connect
Understand where to use Kafka connect vs. producer/connect API.
Considerations when building Data pipelines
Kafka broker metrics
Lag monitoring
Kafka connect
Kafka connect properties
Metric Basics
Client Monitoring
End to end monitoring
When to use Kafka connect?
The candidate will learn about the Kafka stream API under this chapter. The Kafka Stream is a library for clients. It builds real-time mission-critical applications and also serves microservices.
Stream Processing using Kafka
Describe what is stream processing
Describe stream processing design patterns
Learn different types of programming paradigm
Explain Kafka Streams and Kafka Streams API
Describe stream processing design patterns
Stream processing
Concepts of stream processing
Design patterns of Stream processing
Kafka stream by example
Architecture overview of Kafka Stream
Kafka integration with Storm
Kafka integration with spark
Kafka integration with Hadoop
Understand what is Hadoop
Integrate Kafka with Hadoop
Explain storm components
Understand what is Spark
Explain Spark components
Explain Hadoop 2.x core components
Understand what is Apache Storm
Integrate Kafka with Storm
Describe RDDs
Integrate Kafka with spark
Apache Hadoop Basics
Kafka integration with Hadoop
Configuration of Storm
Apache spark basics
Kafka integration with spark
Hadoop configuration
Apache Storm basics
Integration of Kafka with Storm
Spark configuration
Under this chapter, the candidate will learn how to integrate Kafka with Flume, Cassandra, and Talend.
Kafka integration with Cassendra
Kafka integration with Talend
Kafka integration with Flume
Understand Flume
Setup a flume agent
Understand Cassandra
Create a keyspace in Cassandra
Understand Talend
Integrate Kafka with Talend
Explain Flume architecture and its components.
Integrate Kafka with flume
Learn Cassandra database elements
Integrate Kafka with Cassandra
Create Talend Jobs
Flume Basics
Cassandra basics such as and KeySpace and table creation
Talend Basics
Integrated Kafka with Flume
Integration of Kafka with Cassandra
Integration of Kafka with Talend
Course Description
The Apache Kafka certification training course provides the skills to become a great prominent data developer to the candidate. During the training, we will provide the candidate with the knowledge of fundamental concepts, including Kafka and Kafka API clusters. This course also includes advanced levels such as Kafka Connect, Kafka Streams, Kafka integration with Hadoop, and Storm and Spark.
To learn the Kafka course along with the components.
To set up a Kafka cluster from one end to another. It also takes into consideration the Hadoop and YARN cluster.
The CertOcean's Apache Kafka certification training course will give you a clear idea about Kafka's Architecture, installation of Kafka, Configuration, and tuning performance. Also, the Client APIs of Kafka.
THE minimum RAM required for the course is 4 GB, but one should go for 8 GB as per the suggestions.
25 GB should be free minimum disk space.
The processor should be i3 or above than that.
Instructor LED Sessions
These sessions will provide an overall total of 30 hours of training sessions with expert advice and expert explanation online.
Each class has practical assignments which shall be finished before the
next class and helps you to apply the concepts.
24 X 7 Expert Support
We have 24x7 online support team to resolve all your technical queries, through ticket based tracking system, for the lifetime.
Real-life Case Studies
Live project based on any of the selected use cases, involving implementation of Kafka concepts.
Lifetime Access
You get lifetime access to Learning Management System (LMS) where presentations, quizzes, installation guide & class recordings are there.
CertOcean certifies you as an Apache Kafka expert based on the project reviewed by our expert panel.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
How can any candidate miss any lecture at the CertOcean's Apache Kafka when we provide them with two such unique options whatever of their choice!
If a candidate misses any lecture, he/she can go through that later on in the recording part.
He/she can join the next live batch if the candidate misses the lecture of their batch.
We at CertOcean are known for our expertise and because of our experts. CertOcean institute for Apache Kafka has the best experts with 10 to 12 years of experience in the Information Technology (IT) sector and a fantastic learning experience.