Why is Python so popular amongst the beginners?
Python is one of the most widely used programming languages amongst the Gen Z population.
Within a short span of time, this programming language gains immense popularity. It is considered to be the most popular programming language amongst the beginners. Some of the prime reasons for that include Python syntax is simple and easy to learn. It provides support for a variety of application development, be it web applications, artificial intelligence, Machine learning, and data science. It has a large community of developers who have solved most commonly occurring complex problems and will help you in solving any other problems. It is one of the languages that are witnessing incredible growth and popularity year by year. Although there are several widely acknowledged flaws of this programming language, it is considered one of the most popular and important languages worldwide. It was developed 30 years ago. The goal of the Python programming language was to be a general-purpose language applicable to practically anything. More importantly, the goal of the Python programming language was to reduce the complexity of coding syntax. So what are the various features of Python that have resulted in this huge importance of Python across the world? The list mentioned below gives you the answer to this question.
Python is commonly recommended as the first programming language to learn. Python is easy to learn because of its English-like syntax. Even if you had never coded before, you would probably have some idea what the code of it would do. Thanks to its simplified syntax, Python is much faster to learn than almost any other programming language.
Easy to Learn and Use
Python language is incredibly easy to use and learn for new beginners and newcomers. The python language is one of the most accessible programming languages available because it has simplified syntax and not complicated, which gives more emphasis on natural language. Due to its ease of learning and usage, python codes can be easily written and executed much faster than other programming languages. When Guido van Rossum was creating python in the 1980s, he made sure to design it to be a general-purpose language. One of the main reasons for the popularity of python would be its simplicity in syntax so that it could be easily read and understood even by amateur developers also. One can also quickly experiment by changing the code base of python because it is an interpreted language which makes it even more popular among all kinds of developers. Reports suggest that between the years 2018 and 2021, almost 3 million new developers entered the market. This brings the total number to 27 million. By the end of the next two years, the said total is expected to reach nearly 30 million, and by the end of the decade, it can be 45 million. Python is an extremely friendly and simple language to use for both new and inexperienced programmers. This can be attributed to being one of the major reasons for the immense importance of Python in today’s world.
Python is a general-purpose programming language. In addition to being easy to learn, the language is really versatile. You can use Python in almost anything, such as Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Game Development, Web Development, Hardware Programming, and much more. As you can see, there are lots of buzzwords on the list. Python is applicable to the most in-demand computer science skills. If you are in doubt as to which programming language to learn, consider Python. You can do practically anything with it. Better yet, it is the easiest language to get started with.
Supportive Python Community
Python was
created more than 30 years ago, which is a lot of time for any community of
programming language to grow and mature adequately to support developers
ranging from beginner to expert levels. There are plenty of documentation,
guides, and Video Tutorials for Python language are available that learner and
developers of any skill level or age can use and receive the support required
to enhance their knowledge in Python programming language.
Many students get introduced to computer science only through Python language, which is the same language used for in-depth research projects. The community always guides learners who learn data science. If any programming language lacks developer support or documentation, then they don’t grow much. But python has no such kind of problems because it has been here for a very long time. The python developer community is one of the most incredibly active programming language communities.This means that if somebody has an issue with python language, they can get instant support from developers of all levels ranging from beginner to expert in the community. Getting help on time plays a vital role in the development of the project, which otherwise might cause delays.
Great Libraries and Frameworks
Python has
great libraries and frameworks for solving problems. Given a programming
language and a code editor, you are not going to go far. The idea of
programming is not to reinvent the wheel and implement everything from scratch.
Instead, you build the programs using pre-built components. In Python, these
components are called libraries and frameworks. These consist of useful code
you can reuse in your programs. Due to its corporate sponsorship and big
supportive community of python, python has excellent libraries that you can use
to select and save your time and effort on the initial cycle of development.
There are also lots of cloud media services that offer cross-platform support
through library-like tools, which can be extremely beneficial. Libraries with
specific focus are also available like nltk for natural language processing or
scikit-learn for machine learning applications.
Support from
Renowned Corporate Sponsors
languages grows faster when a corporate sponsor backs it. For example, PHP is
backed by Facebook, Java by Oracle and Sun, Visual Basic & C# by Microsoft.
Python Programming language is heavily backed by Facebook, Amazon Web Services,
and especially Google.
Google adopted Python language way back in 2006 and have used it for many applications and
platforms since then. Lots of Institutional effort and money have been devoted
to the training and success of the python language by Google. They have even
created a dedicated portal only for python. The list of support tools and
documentation keeps on growing for python language in the developers’ world.
Made Easy
automate manual work with a computer, you can write small automation scripts.
Unfortunately, completing even a small task can require a lot of work. This is
not optimal. With Python and the great number of libraries and modules, you can
automate almost any repetitive task quite easily. This frees up resources to be
used in the issues that really matter. Python has become an industry standard
of automation. Some developers that work with a language other than Python
still use Python for their automation scripts. If you do not know what the
automation script means in this context, here is an example. Imagine you have a
PDF document or a bunch of them and you want to convert them into audio for
someone to listen to. This is where you can write a small automation script.
Using other programming languages to do this might be tricky or not even
possible. However, due to the great Python libraries, this is such an easy task
to automate.
Works with the IoT
or the Internet of Things refers to small and low-power devices connected to
the internet. Due to the versatility and flexibility of Python, you might not
be surprised to learn that Python is heavily involved in the IoT market.
Popular IoT devices are: Raspberry Pi Intel Edison Arduino You can control all
of these devices with Python and its IoT libraries. You can for instance write
code to send and receive data over Bluetooth and the internet. Due to limited
capabilities, some of the IoT devices support MicroPython. MicroPython is an
efficient subset of the Python 3 programming language. It is designed to run on
IoT microcontrollers to save resources. Even though MicroPython is a subset of
Python, it still gives you the benefits of Python.
Reliability, and Speed
language is efficient, reliable, and much faster than most modern languages.
Python can be used in nearly any kind of environment, and one will not face any
kind of performance loss issue irrespective of the platform one is working. One
more best thing about versatility of python language is that it can be used in
many varieties of environments such as mobile applications, desktop
applications, web development, hardware programming, and many more. The
versatility of python makes it more attractive to use due to its high number of
data, Machine Learning and Cloud Computing
Computing, Machine Learning, and Big Data are some of the hottest trends in the
computer science world right now, which helps lots of organizations to
transform and improve their processes and workflows. Python language is the
second most popular used tool after R language for data science and analytics.
Lots of many data processing workloads in the organization are powered by
python language only. Most of the research and development takes place in
python language due to its many applications, including ease of analyzing and
organizing the usable data. Not only this but hundreds of python libraries are
being used in thousands of machine learning projects every day, such as
TensorFlow for neural networks and OpenCV for computer vision, etc.
Programming Language to Learn
far we have learned that Python programming is both easy to learn and in high
demand. For this reason, it is commonly the first programming language students
want to learn. This means more and more people start learning Python which
makes it even more popular. It is the first choice for many programmers and
students due to the main reason for python being in high demand in the
development market. Students and developers always look forward to learning a
language that is in high demand. Python is undoubtedly the hottest cake in the
market now. Many programmers and data science students are using python
language for their development projects. Learning python is one of the
important section in data science certification courses. In this way, the python language can provide
plenty of fantastic career opportunities for students. Due to the variety of
applications of python, one can pursue different career options and will not
remain stuck to one.
Flexibility of Python Language
python language is so flexible that it gives the developer the chance to try
something new. The person who is an expert in python language is not just
limited to build similar kinds of things but can also go on to try to make
something different than before. Python doesn’t restrict developers from
developing any sort of application. This kind of freedom and flexibility by
just learning one language is not available in other programming languages.
of python in academics
python language is being treated as the core programming language in schools
and colleges due to its countless uses in Artificial Intelligence, Deep
Learning, Data Science, etc. It has now become a fundamental part of the
development world that schools and colleges cannot afford not to teach Python
language. In this way, it is increasing more python Developers and Programmers
and thus further expanding its growth and popularity. Python is widely
used in the popular areas of software development, such as Artificial
Intelligence, Machine Learning. Deep Learning, Data Science. Most of the
university courses in these topics are taught entirely using Python. Also,
universities tend to teach Python programming as a general introductory course
to programming and software development.
you learned why Python is so popular programming language. In short, Python is
a general-purpose language that is easy to learn and use. Due to its
popularity, there is a big and helpful community. Also, Python is backed up by
big companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook. Python is suggested as the
first programming language to learn due to its English-like syntax.