What Is Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)?

What Is Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)?

Software Development Life Cycle.

IT companies deal with complex, heavy-load projects. To manage and control all the necessary steps to create the final product, and navigate through all the project activities smoothly, teams make use of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). In this article, we will explore this concept and discuss the important stages of the product life cycle, most popular SDLC methodologies, and their benefits. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) refers to the process utilized by IT companies to optimize the development of high-quality product. Its ultimate goal is the efficient production and delivery of top-performing software within time and money constraints, according to the client’s needs and preferences regarding the product. There are different possible approaches to SDLC, in this article, we will consider a typical one. At SaM Solutions, we have a formalized SDLC approach, which we adapt to the unique customer needs of a specific product.


How Does SDLC Work?


SDLC involves several major steps that happen in sequence. The life cycle is basically an essential plan for high-quality software development. If team members are able to keep to this plan of the life cycle, it will help lower the project’s cost and delivery period, and upscale the product quality. Different popular SDLC models can be used on the projects to fulfill the customer’s wishes, and ultimately, there is no single one size fits all approach that is suitable for the life cycle of all projects. To choose the development life cycle model that will work best for your product, you should evaluate your resources and customer needs, as well as the specifics of the project’s domain and the product under development.


Stages of the Software Development Life Cycle


Planning Stage: As the first initial stage of the development process, the planning stage determines the primary objectives of the final product. It is an essential, integral stage of the product life cycle that forms the basis for all the subsequent actions. Being an important compound process, it includes these three phases:


·         Identifying the system to be developed

·         Assessing how viable the project is

·         Making a final upper-level plan


These steps help determine the challenges of the projects and the volume of work that has to be done during the upcoming product life cycle stages. This preparatory stage of the SDLC forms the preliminary foundation of the expected work. It outlines the future procedures of the life cycle, allocates resources, schedules the timeframe and deadlines and helps prevent issues that might otherwise arise.


Analysis and Requirements Stage: When clients decide to use the services of a software company, they often have a hazy notion of what to expect. That is why a thorough requirement analysis is necessary at this stage of life cycle. To perform these activities, strong collaborative relationships between various teams are mandatory during the whole development life cycle. Business development specialists, marketers, programmers, and other professionals from specific spheres work together with this aim. The team collects all the necessary information and determines the preliminary ideas for creating a prototype. Programmers specify the conditions for prototyping, estimate the possible alternative options, as well as design the documents, according to which all the work will be carried out.


Design and Prototyping Stage: The following SDLC phase includes the development of general architectures of the systems. Software engineers define how each module functions and interacts with third-party modules. Software design precedes the actual coding of the software. Programmers summarize all the information, alongside particular characteristics. This can include factors such as the UI, interfaces of the systems, networks, databases, and preconditions. This SDLC stage is involved in the thorough description of all the desired functions, characteristics, and qualities of the software. Designing turns the specifications documents into a more well-organized shape. Afterwards, the team creates a prototype — a model — and tests and refines it until the preferable level of quality is achieved.


Software Development Stage: Once the design document is prepared, programmers put all the guidelines they receive into practice. They write the source code and build the software in the required programming language. If all the previous SDLC phases were performed properly, the coding stage should be clear and uncomplicated. While coding, programmers utilize software development best practices and instructions that are set up by the IT companies and clients. Various development tools and techniques are used as well, such as project management and bug tracking tools, various search tools, preprocessors, cache systems and databases.


Software Testing Stage: Quality assurance is of crucial importance in software development projects. Running tests helps companies to carry out a thorough evaluation of the way the software functions and its important features. Thanks to this evaluation, it is possible to make estimations, if the product meets all the customer desires and pre-set goals. Both manual and automated tests are aimed at the identification of any possible bugs and malfunctions of the product prior to its implementation. There are a lot of possible product testing options, and the choice of the specific test depends on the exact goal of the product. Without this important SDLC stage, clients can experience technical issues that can lead to potential financial losses. Identification of problems at an early product testing phase can prevent all these problems.


Implementation and Integration Stage: The main aim of this stage of the product SDLC is the installation of the created software into the production environment and setup of all the required configurations. The team ensures that the software meets all the pre-set technical criteria and suits the business demands. Another issue that software engineers should devote their attention to is to check if the final product follows all the software documentation and technical guidelines. At this product SDLC stage, the team runs the app in order to make sure that it operates correctly. Then programmers ensure that it follows all the integration criteria regarding such factors as user interaction, data transformation, communication, safety regulations, administration, and support.


Deployment and Maintenance Stage: The final SDLC stage is the deployment of the program, after which the customer can actually utilize it and enjoy the functions it offers. Often companies choose to deploy the program firstly in test and pre-production environments, and only afterwards in the real one. This multiple-stage method helps improve the safety of the app. When the app is released, it doesn’t mean that no issues will arise in the future. Down the road, customers may require additional features in accordance with new demands. This can potentially lead to the necessity of code alterations. Likewise, technical issues may arise that will need to be solved quickly, in order to ensure the proper functioning of the information system.



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