How to become a Web Designer?

How to become a Web Designer?

Creating websites requires a myriad of skills that are best learned in a classroom setting.

 It's possible to land a great job as a self-taught web designer, but completing a college degree program arms a future designer with a comprehensive set of foundational skills they'll need on a daily basis. There is more to creative web design than meets the eye. Various skills go into building websites, from knowing how to create layouts to practicing good time management. If you're wondering how to become a web designer, this handy guide can help. To become a web designer, you should study both the creative and technical aspects of creating attractive web pages. Through a college degree program or certificate program, you can learn how to become a web designer and work with all the website's visual components, from color and font to layout.


What Do Web Designers Do?


Web designers build internet applications and websites. Their work can range from e-commerce websites to apps. They are responsible for both its design and the programming and coding that makes it work. Their main task will be to develop products based on the needs of clients. However, they must also provide an enjoyable experience for customers or end-users. To do so, they work with stakeholders, clients, and designers. As a result, developers will be able to comprehend the vision and figure out how to make it a reality. Many web developers are strong problem-solvers, often identifying and correcting errors to ensure that the system runs smoothly. As new technologies emerge, they constantly enhance and optimize the site infrastructure. Depending on their job title and area of expertise, they will use different programming languages and platforms. In other words, a Web Designer plans, designs, develops and prepares information for Internet publication with emphasis on the user interface, ease of navigation and location of information using text, pictures, animation, sound, colors, layout and data sources to deliver information tailored to an intended audience and purpose. Web Designers interact with computers daily, sometimes working with programming code, and utilise a mixture of creative thought and technical processes to fulfil their design briefs. They work within teams in many different industries where there is a significant digital requirement. Web Designers may also work freelance.


What Are The Different Types of Web Designers?


There are three main types of web designers:


UX Designer


Designers of user experience (UX) concentrate on the experience users have with products, services, or environments-both digital (think apps and websites) and physical. As a result, they identify consumers' problems and devise ways to solve them. They focus on how the user will interact with the website or web application. They decide on structural data and take decisions based on human psychology and data based on user interaction research. What's the best color for a call to action button, where they'll get more clicks, where should you add the newsletter subscription form, where to add an icon, what it should look like when clicking on it, etc.


UI Designer


Designers of user interfaces (UIs) use the results from user experience designers and interaction designers to sketch out the look and feel of an interface. The colors, the sizes, spacing, shapes, and general aesthetics of the website. A user interface (UI) designer works usually together with a UX designer (if there are any) to take some design decisions.


Front-end Web Designer


In unit teams, the web designer can as well be one of the main web developers in the team. A developer is also responsible for the general look of the website and that has to take the role of designer and even of the user experience part. Their job is to design a website that fits their client's brand, is usable, and resonates with their target audience. Generally, they have to know front-end development, which includes HTML and CSS knowledge and perhaps some JavaScript.


How to Become a Web Designer


Select a Specialty

It is a complex process to build a website. Each element affects the others that are related to it. Depending on their category, web developers specialize in particular programs. If you are interested in a particular area of web design, you can set up a course for further education and training. Devise if you want to focus on user experience (UX), user interface (UI), web design, interaction design (IxD), etc. Finding your niche will allow you to target specific needs and become a master of these masters faster.


Develop Your Skills


The more you design the better you'll become. You can start by getting inspiration from pages like Dribble or by paying attention to designs on websites that you use. Take ideas from other designs and combine them into your own. What is important is that you keep on designing and showing those designs to the world to get some feedback on them. Also, you can do some online courses to get the basic theory behind the design, user experience, or any specific niche that you choose to focus on. You can find courses on pages like CertOcean and opt for a certification.


Get Proof of Your Ability by Creating a Portfolio


Demonstrable skills are more and more important in the field of web development. If you can prove that you have the skills to do the job, where you learned them isn't important at all.

To show off your skills you can use the following platforms:

·         Dribble

·         Behance

·         Twitter

·         Coroflot

Or you can create your portfolio website. A great way to do it is by using a website builder, so make sure to check out these great websites to create your designer portfolio. In essence, a web design portfolio is a digital place filled with examples of your work. Portfolios of web design can include complete past projects, themes, web pages, prototypes, apps, screenshots, templates, and more. Get creative during this part of your web design journey!


And if you want to get into front-end web designing (which is optional) then you must be comfortable with core languages such as HTML and CSS and even a bit of JavaScript to do basic dynamic interactions. For designers focusing on web design, it would be wise to host your web design portfolio on your website, which of course, can be designed fully by you (this would be a plus) or use a theme with good taste. Make sure to keep things simple.


How Long Does It Take To Become a Web Designer?


There is no set amount of time it takes to become a Web Designer, but coding boot camps, books, and short courses have shown that you can learn the skills and build your portfolio in as little as three months. To get all the skills needed for most Web Designer jobs, you would need to attend a very intensive, full-time course. The skills required include, but are not limited to, understanding user experience (UX), visual design theory, as well as proficiency with Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, HTML, Sketch, Javascript, and CSS. A part-time course would likely take around 30 weeks. It depends, but by the time you have built up your portfolio and are confident in your abilities as a web designer, it may just be time to start looking for clients or marketplaces where you can sell your skills. You can simply sell your templates or themes for WordPress on Coded Market if you already have them lying around. Freelance web designers can earn passive income in this way without having to deal directly with clients. Potential buyers simply download and install your theme or template themselves. You should keep in mind that themes sold on marketplaces are commonly supported for life or in a limited capacity. As a result, if someone purchases your theme and has trouble installing it, you'll need to assist them. This will enhance your reputation as a web designer and make you look more professional.


What Qualifications or Skills Do I Need to Be a Web Designer?


Proficient in Design Software: Expertise in graphic design software will be essential. Including, but not limited to, Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, and other visual design tools, as well as possess visual design skills. (Check out this Sketch vs Figma comparisson if you want to focus on one of them)


Follow main Design Guidelines: A good designer will know how important it is to follow the main guidelines in design. The importance of colors, fonts, and distances between elements. The different rules that are commonly applied and the impact each of them has on a design.


Ability to Maneuver CMS applications: Though not necessary, knowledge of CMS applications and cross-browser compatibility issues will also give you an edge in the market. The top CMS applications to familiarize yourself with are WordPress, Joomla, Magento, and Drupal. Creating, building, and improving websites is the task of creative web designers and software engineers/programmers. By understanding user experiences, they create websites that are easy to understand, navigate, and use, while adhering to design standards and specifications.


Here are some soft skills you must learn as a web designer


Time Management


The world of web design is a busy one. And when you have projects piling on one after the other, it is easy to lose track of everything and drive yourself to the brink of a breakdown! But, there are some online tools like Trello or JIRA that can help you stay at the top of your game as a successful web designer. Learn to master the art of prioritisation and project-tracking to excel in your job seamlessly!




Nobody can work in a silo. You need to learn how to communicate your point across effectively. No career was ever built without great communication skills. As a web designer, you will need to keep your team and clients updated on the progress of the projects, pitch any ideas and defend your creations. Some clients may also require some basic copywriting or proofing skills, especially if you work as an entrepreneur. So, pay attention to your presentation and writing skills and you will be able to get your point across effectively.


Business / Client Management


This skill comes in handy when money gets involved. Whether you are an employee at a design firm or a freelancer working out of your home, you need to make sure you or your company is profitable and sustainable. You don’t need an MBA to understand certain specific goals and finances of your own company or your employer’s. In either scenario, you must make sure that the project backlog and cash flow are healthy and doable in both long and short terms. 


How to Get Clients To Notice You


Create A Portfolio


Companies will hire only those people who have a proven track record of successful project undertaking and delivering. They need to make sure that the people they hire have all the necessary skills to deliver the project. This is where your portfolio will come in. In this portfolio, all your work can be displayed to give prospective employers tangible and in-depth understanding of your design experience. You can start this process by creating your own website. This virtual presence will show you as a professional and demonstrate the level of your skills and craftsmanship. Go for something unique and eye-catching. 


Join Design Communities


Making mistakes and getting feedback are two of the best ways to learn. join and actively interact in web design communities like uxmastery or sitepoint. you can also follow reputed web design experts on social media to receive some tips and tricks on how to be the best web designer out there. While the online community is great, do not underestimate the power of offline contacts and word-of-mouth. remember, big brands prefer to hire through references most of the time. join local meet-ups and start building essential contacts.


Be Active On Social Media


These last few years have seen quite a few people building successful businesses through the power of social media. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook can put you on the global map when used right. Create a page for yourself and keep posting material you create, share valuable tips you learn through your journey. This way, you will be able to collect a following for yourself, build a good community and earn contracts in the most organic way possible. 

Even though it may seem tough at the beginning, building a successful career as a web designer is not difficult. It requires patience, time and consistent effort. Many of the skills we have mentioned here cannot be gained overnight by reading a few online blogs or watching explanatory videos. They take a ton of practice. You must also be passionate about your work. At the start of your journey, your focus must be on building a good portfolio and getting solid experience. Money will come once your skills and portfolio are in place. 





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